Since 1987 |
HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.
HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.
April 30, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Whew! Life! Relationships! As an alcoholic who has been in recovery for more than forty years... I live with this disease that is life long needing constant attention. It is like anyone who has a disability that needs special attention. We all have different issues in life. The reason I bring up the alcoholism is that it can trigger the deepest of dysfunctions for me which is my bottomless need for intimacy in relationship with other people. As long as I do not drink, I can stay aware, I can work on this dysfunction towards the best of all possibility in life. With the Traveling Piano I have been able to create short and intimate, absolutely real and wonderful relationships without any dysfunction because they disappear before they go bad (usually), lol. This has been a wonderful work around for my life. But still, ongoing long term intimate and personal relationships of friendship or anything else, that feels like a bottomless pit of neediness that will never been achieved. Fact is, I have had (friends who have passed in life) and do presently have tight and close friendships but sometimes it does not feel that way at all and always never enough. This is where the dis-ease of alcoholism comes in as a classic symptom along with other symptoms that together define the disease. Through the recovery from alcoholism I have learned that feelings are not always facts. I can deal with that, manage and be in full recovery one day at a time.
| April 29, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Times change fast! Hardly anyone is using email anymore. I still use it. The fact that people have given their communication over to for profit social platforms well, not me. I still do as much privately as possible. I use a VPN for whatever that is worth. Its worth enough for me to use. And, I am blocked from most of the world online too. The USA does not show its news in Canada vice versa and the same with all the countries of the world. We are becoming more and more isolated for the sake of profit, control and manipulation. I was thinking while sitting on the toilet this morning about that old phrase "money is the root of all evil." Today, when I go deep into my psyche, consciousness and spirit, that holds true not that it it possible to reject. But... hey, the Traveling Piano for today remains totally 100% free without obligation, expectation or anything else. And email is still my preferred way to communicate, the phone even more. Not text, the phone.
| April 28, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
There have been literally over a thousand people through the years who I have met and who have offered unsolicited... to help and support the Traveling Piano. Some ask how they can help, others state specifically how they are going to help and others say they will be in contact to help. Sometimes they say they know someone who will be interested, it just goes on and on. The sad fact of the matter is that 99% percent have not followed through. In the moment when they are saying it, they think they mean it and that just drops off immediately after they leave. Of course I have hardened myself from the start of this journey as very few people have ever extended themselves to me in my entire life for any reason. While keeping my mind open, I have never attached expectation, (well a few times as some people can be very convincing) but the bottom line, it hurts everytime someone says they are going to do something and then they do nothing... at all, not even an acknowledgment about a change of mind or whatever. Honestly, I can say there has not been a time in my life that I said I would do something or offered to help or support someone when I have not followed through. At the very least I have tried to rectify my failure in some way. One can not have expectations and at the same time still feel hurt and let down.
| April 27, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mo and I created music under the stars tonight in Redrock Canyon just outside of Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Astronomical Society was sharing with the community, our universe through their telescopes and expertise. It was cool enough to need a jacket and the cool temperature really helped keep us going. When the heat hits on a consistent basis, well... I am trying to just live day by day. The temperatures have been awesome. Mo is having more difficulty on top of the piano especially when its dark. He cannot see and his balance when turning around on top is hit or miss. When we got home and he jumped out of the cab, he fell to the ground. He cannot just act spontaneously any more with his movements. He needs to think and be careful. Just being in the energy of people drains his energy these days. Mo is over a hundred years of age in human numbers and is still going!

| April 26, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
It rained for most of the day today. How great that is. Rain is so rare here in the desert, it is something to be celebrated. Although, so much of the world has been trained to think nothing but fear no matter what the weather is. That irritates me to no end. Today was like a forced relax and recover from yesterday, day. We slept in until mid-afternoon. My days of climbing in and out of the truck all the time to have people jump in... are numbered. Maybe if I lost some weight, well no not maybe. If I lost weight there would be more physical longevity to continue working as I do but I do not see that happening. Eating better, dieting... I've given up on all that and more exercise is not an option. I do what I can do as it is concerning physical exercise and that gets less and less as time goes by.
| April 25, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Pawsitive Difference Pet Rescue and Adoption a small non-profit here in Las Vegas has consistently helped Mo with his medical and food needs over the last few years. So naturally, I am always looking to visit one of their fundraisers with the Traveling Piano. Today was the day! It was being held outside a restaurant in Henderson which is a city right next to Las Vegas to the south. I've never spent time with the Traveling Piano where I could actually observe the people in Henderson. I was amazed to see a distinction between the people who live there verses downtown where I am, verses in Summerland to the west and then the city of North Las Vegas. They all look different, move different and even act different!
| April 24, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Today I have been thinking how the God of my understanding will never give me more than I can handle. I will never manifest what I am not completely committed to. With that in mind I must always remember also that my thoughts do not always correspond with what I really want. That is where God comes in and the ability to be honest with myself. Sometimes, when... what I think I want does not happen the fact is I really do not want it because I cannot handle it. Knowing my own limitations of what I am willing to do or able to do... to stay honest with myself is a huge challenge. I am always adjusting and also never really regret anything that does not happen because I know deep down it was not meant to be, I did not really want it enough. The grace of God always carries me through indecision and periods of non-clarity. Everything is always clear when looking back.
| April 23, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
There are lots of people making lots of money on the internet with millions of views from online blogs and postings and I am not one of them. It is a ton of work. Sometimes I feel left out but need to remember I have chosen to not "work it" all because I just do not have the interest in getting lost in it all. Once you start you cannot stop, it takes constant work. The general public does not realize that along with creating the content, there is the editing and posting and marketing and once you get it going there is no end unless you are willing to just let it all go. I just do what I do for the few who want it and as a result I have little money but hey, at least that has been of my choosing. Also, at this stage of the game, everything becomes less and less of a choice. The desire to keep up with technology, the energy needed for everything, the negotiation in letting technology use me and my work without respect or enough compensation... I would love to find someone else to do all the Traveling Piano marketing work as it is not going to come from me, that is for sure.
| April 22, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
For a short time I took the Traveling Piano out onto the street today just up a block from my apartment complex. I have to push myself physically to do anything these days and its been a while since I created music. A guy visiting from Paris stopped by and of course I had to get him into the truck and tell him that when I was in Paris many years ago, seeing the street musicians is what inspired me to go into business doing what I did. That was back in 1987. I began performing Boogie Woogie and Ragtime piano music in events, parades, for store promotions, etc.. When I was done today, it was only for like a half hour... I was exhausted and felt strained. Never the less, I'm glad I could do it and must keep pushing myself.
| April 21, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
There is a guy on Youtube playing Boogie Woogie piano with a chicken sitting on his head. He called the video, The Chicken Boogie Challenge. It was halarious!!! Now, I need to take him up on that challenge and am looking for a chicken here in Las Vegas. Many people have them in their yards. It is legal. I just need a well behaved, sedated chicken who will not freak out over the sound and Mo and feel comfortable sitting on my head. Do you know of anyone with a chicken? I have had them on the piano but never on my head, lol.
| April 20, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
I went with my neighbor to a new hotspot around the corner. They are calling it a speakeasy, (which is kind of stupid because it is legal) just a little hole in the wall in an alley next to another place I have become friendly with. I wanted to see if what people are saying about the place is true. It was full of dressed up hipsters slithering over bar tables acting like something special. We stayed by the outside bar while the bartender profiled me as an undesirable! After about five minutes of following her waiting to catch her eyes directly in front of me another girl came up right next to me and pushed up her tits to show them off while the bartender immediately acknowledged her presence. I was just an old, fat man of the streets to them, lol. It makes me angry though. I could have demanded their respect but chose to simply throw my hands up into the air as I walked away. There never was a plan to get a drink anyway. I just wanted to see for myself the atitude. These young kids today... ouch, ouch, ouch, lol.
| April 19, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
With little energy, I drove over to my friend Eric's house today to hang out in his pool. Now retired, his pool is his happy place and here in Las Vegas the water can reach ninety degrees. Sometimes it feels like I am in a hottub. Anyway, we just hung out inside the pool talking about nothing and I had such a strong feeling of two little boys, good friends just hanging out by a pool taking in the day, talking about nothing, simply... hanging out being friends. What a life experience to have! When I was ten I had a brief time feeling friendship like that with a neighbor but then moved away never to have had that feeling again... until now. And it has been ongoing with Eric, will forever be permanente as it is for as long as we are here on earth. I've been most fortunate to have had friends so strong that I feel them in my heart with me even when they have passed on.
| April 18, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Ways are needed that will work to stimulate energy from within or maybe it is time to just let go and wither away. Both are ok. There is no sadness, worry, regret, loss, negativity in my thoughts. A little bit of frustration maybe but that is because of the unknowing nature of my life. Well, living in the present moment there can be no knowing unless actually in the present moment! I must constantly remind myself that one can be sick for more than a week. Last Saturday I caught a flu and it has not been a week yet but everytime I get sick it feels like the end of my world. Concerning the Traveling Piano, yea... I do need stimulation... I've come to the point that if everything is to stay operational on the level of ability with even my present ability... support is needed and more than just financial.
| April 17, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
I had a lot of eggplant and asked my friend Mary if I could fix up some eggplant parmesan and then cook it in her oven. (i've no oven in my small room) She agreed to do it "all" for me since I got really sick and then Eric her husband drove a half hour to deliver it for me. Breaded, fried eggplant covered with chewy cheese and tomato sauce and then another layer on top with more breaded, fried eggplant, covered with chewy cheese and tomato sauce... the perfect amounts of everything, an absolutely wonderful mommy, home cooked taste and fullness... to just throw into the microwave for breakfast, lunch and dinner... for a week, everyday... Thank God for good friends! There have never been many for me at any given time but who needs many!
| April 16, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Boner, for those who may not know was my first dog ever. I called him Bo for short. The Traveling Piano Photo Art Gallery section of this website is in honor of him. Bonerthedog.com Yesterday I put up the 1st link for 2024. I uploaded several hundred photos. At the rate I have been going there will probably be only one link for this year. That has not happened since the first year, 2006. Each link has thousands of photos. Click on the thumbnails to bring up the full resolutions. There are over 100,000 images of the Traveling Piano journey so far in the photo art galleries. It is full mostly with photos of people interacting with the Traveling Piano and nature photography. There are some personal photos also. If you are reading this, the link is to the left in the menu "PICTURE GALLERIES." All the photos are in the Journey's timeline and the url for each photo shows the date and place.
| April 15, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
The movie actor Jeremy Renner who suffered a most serious snow plow accident last year and who has recovered enough to become a community philanthropist is a resident of northern Nevada. He has created the Rennervation Foundation that is devoted to underprivileged children. He collects old decommissioned vehicles and turns them into one of a kind community oriented vehicles. He is also a musician. From the outside looking in, everything he is doing is right up my alley, compatible and the direction I want to take the Traveling Piano into. Now, to just get his attention. I tried a few times. It is not my style to aggressively pursue someone and to treat the situation so my own self-respect stays intact through the eyes of others in a pursuit is tricky. Especially because I am so upfront. People trust others so little in life now. Most celebrities need clearance from someone they know to talk with a stranger. Good luck with that, Danny!
| April 14, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yesterday I thought I was having allergy problems. It is much more, like a serious flu and its aggravated by my present back issue. I took two covid tests so... negative. And then there is all the energy I put out the other day. That just took out any immune fighting ability. Everything is a reminder of my growing limitations in life and the need to respond to keep on going in this best of all possible worlds. Mo is my rock. My gratitude lives in every moment through him. I have a few good friends but they are limited in how they can interact with my life. The heat is here in Las Vegas. No more hats for the cold or scarfs for my neck which I always need. I wish decisions and choices came easier for me. They never have because I was raised to simply obey authoritarianism. That in which there is the choice of one way or the highway. My own choices are the tradeoffs for obligation and expectation with others.
| April 13, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Last night there was little sleep as I knew I had to get up at a specific time and it would be kind of early. Mo and I headed to a vegan food bank we had visited once about two years ago to get some food. I was hoping to get some extra for my neighbors and that worked out. Traveling Piano music was playing while people were driving in and their cars would get loaded with a box or two of fresh vegetables and fruit. As I was playing I was thinking how there may be no other choice but to get up early and go out with the Traveling Piano as this is when I have the most energy and it gives me an entire day to wind down. I was wearing my sunglasses so people could not see that I was only half awake but needed to remind myself to acknowledge people which was not on my mind at all. Of course everyone wanted to give us a thumbs up and thank you. The pollen in the air destroyed the rest of my day. I've never had allergies to this extent. Who knew? Pollen in the desert?
| April 12, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Of course, I am out of commission today after yesterday. I'm getting used to this day on, days off, however long it takes to recover. Gone are the days of just going, going, and going. Age has set in. Just an added challenge should I ever move into something where obligation and expectation happens with the Traveling Piano. Yesterday was so much fun I actually felt inspired to continue. Gone are the winter days of needing a coat here in Las Vegas. Even at night is is warm enough to not need a coat. I took a long walk around town with Mo in the sun. A part of me wishes I had a store or something, maybe embedded with the Traveling Piano as everything grows and grows. I moved here right when the Downtown redo began and now its getting "hot" with activity and people.
| April 11, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Whew! Today. Woke up in the afternoon hoping my back would be better and how I need to be careful when I first sit down. I was standing getting my coffee and it went out again. So it is, I thought... live with it, do what you can with breathing, stretching, etc... and keep going. I met two bar servers up the street at a new bar that opened last night and they were agog over Mo. One of the girls told me today was her birthday and I asked where she would be for the day. That would be at the Atomic Lounge on Fremont Street working after 4:30pm so I wanted to surprise her with Mo and the Traveling Piano. The timing would be perfect, I would be rested, my back would be good enough to operate by then. While at the bar, an artist from the apartment building where I was parked opened his window to look out and see what was going on. He came down to get onto the piano seat.

A couple from England who flew to Las Vegas to get married with six family members came walking down the street and I knew in an instant they were up for some spontaneous, Traveling Piano synchronicity. Lastly, back in my neighborhood I met a new bar owner last night at another new bar up the street from where I live. He is originally from Reno, Nevada and mentioned that he loved Boogie Woogie piano music which is of course the kind of music I used to perform. I stopped outside his new place to welcome him to the neighborhood. He and his brother jumped onto the Traveling Piano for an experience and photo. Now, back at my place the trick will be to wind down so I can go to sleep and just let go of the day. Thinking about the fun that just happened will keep me up all night so I just need to turn all thought and feeling into gratitude and nothing more. It is 3am now and I'm still working on that.
| April 10, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
I spent the day cooking for Mo. Since he almost left us back in October his eating habits have changed. He now eats two times a day instead of one. In the morning its dry food and at night a half can of wet food. Although I get help with paying for his food its not enough and everything is just too expensive now. He has had only dry food for his entire life. So, if its going to be wet, it might as well be better food. That will be cheaper also. I purchased in bulk and cooked enough rice, chicken and string beans for a good two or three weeks. Some of it I'll put in the freezer until needed. I'm hoping he will love it. He can get more now because its not as fattening as the canned meat and gravy whatever he has been getting.
| April 09, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Throughout my life there have been times to play the "business game" be it with clients when I was a young "society pianist" or garnering finances for support with my early performing days on the truck when it was called Raggin' Piano Boogie. I've never been good at "working the art of business" as in placating, maneuvering, manipulating, controlling, etc... because I do not want to be other than my true self. I worked half of my life time finding myself, who I am, how I want to be as a person etc... This journey has been the result. It certainly has not brought me profit financially but that was never the goal. If anything... respect, to partner in relationship has been the goal. Respect for myself first and foremost and then to respect others and also to receive the respect of others. Mission accomplished. I do not want to destroy any of that, God, I hope I do not mess up at this point to have that happen. But... there needs to be change now and staying true to myself while finding ways to survive without selling myself short... what a fucking dilemma. Other people do it. They become very successful in all ways without compromising any of their character. Maybe I am just not meant to be as successful as they. (financially) I must not compare myself... at all.
| April 08, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
The future of the Traveling Piano and as well my life cannot stay as it has been for the last seventeen years. Old age has taken hold and no matter what anyone stays, age plays into life. If the Traveling Piano is to continue the reins need to be taken by others. I've no problem with that as long as it stays in alignment with the core mission as it as been through the years. But also, if the price is right in selling all the work I have archived I could also just let go of that too. Then again I can just work it down to nothing and have it all end with no legacy what-so-ever. I have a sick feeling in my stomach that once I die the Traveling Piano's legacy and fun will take off more than ever. What the hell! Now, while I am living is the time to enjoy the fruits of all my labor. But then again, I do not think it is possible to enjoy any more than I already have. Part of me has been living for the future but the majority of me, the core must stay close to the truth. It has all been about living in the moment and going with the flow. A big payoff somewhere down the line has always been secondary.
| April 07, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
Today was so perfect with the sun and temperature I had to get out and about with the Traveling Piano. My back problem is iffy so I took the chance that I would forget about it once I got going. That worked. The pain is still there, the vulnerability still exists but it feels like I just need to push through. After parking on the corner of Charleston and Las Vegas Boulevard, we met Sinan Cem with a cigar in mouth. He had just arrived from Philadelphia, PA and is a German guy originally from Azerbaijan. I am a born and bred Philadelphian so his having just visited there was a nice connection. This guy had a style that was mind blowingly fun, creative and unique. I just loved it. And then another guy appeared and he was from Levittown just outside of Philly, less than ten minutes from where I owned my house! Very interesting, eh? A very wealthy woman stopped to say hello to Mo. Lots of homeless people stopped to get water from the back of the truck and also jelly beans I saved from Easter. It was a good day.
| April 06, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
My back, so far so not getting worse. Of course I took it easy today. I am always praying for help to figure out what to do and how to keep going. There is a new organization in Reno, Nevada I have been courting a bit. I've sent a few feelers asking for someone to host us for a few days in the area. The days of people hosting travelers, does that even exist anymore? But, that is what I need, I need the leap of faith for people to trust the agenda of what I do so I can give freely back to their community ten fold. And... my approach cannot look like I am needy or want work because neither is true or would it ever be. Actually, I am so unique that the idea of myself and the Traveling Piano scares most people off these days. But always once they experience me in person unconditionally, they are won over easily. I just do not feel right trying to sell myself and I do not want negotiated interaction. This is the way it has been for almost twenty years and the way it has worked best for me. I know all the other ways.
| April 05, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
I threw my back out this morning oh, not joy. I felt the spasms, four of them in a row and knew, not good. It is no surprise as I am dealing with truck troubles again and the stress of that well, I have always manifested stress physically. Every move must be made super careful so the situation does not develop into the pain I experienced in going to Uvalde, TX after the elementary school massacre there a few years ago. That stress left me in a motel room unable to get out of the bed to go to the bathroom! Anyway, the truck... I've had it with the mechanic I have been using for the last few years. After spending over fifteen grand on this Traveling Piano truck through fundraisers with problems still, and his attributing it to the age and just no longer being fixable, after giving him amazing leeway in all ways concerning it because finding a new good mechanic is always such a pain in the ass I have decided... he is just not a good mechanic. Ugh. Granted, the truck is forever falling apart but this guy is actually making it worse. I'm done with the "lets try this" for hundreds of dollars each time. He's no longer interested anyway because deep down he knows he has been a failure and is incompetent.
| April 04, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
In heading towards seventy years of age I must come to terms with the fact that my mind, body and soul in physical form is deteriorating. Maybe a better word would be, "fading". People do not want to hear that but it is what it is. The question is how do I adjust in life to keep the joy, appreciation and interest as strong as possible through the process and how do I, can I manifest my life ongoing through the process. Mo can be an example as I appreciate him in every present moment and practice the gratitude existing in that. I must do the same for myself. Acceptance plays a big part as does taking the time to refocus on priorities. That is where it gets tricky. A hundred priorities play out in my mind every day. Again, it all comes down to living in the present moment with trust that I am not going to forget anything important and that it is ok to let go of anything I am holding on to.
| April 03, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
A woman came into a store looking for me because she saw the Traveling Piano truck parked outside. "There's that guy, I saw him on television, need to find him!" She did. And after telling me how she knows me of course I invited her onto the piano seat to have an experience. She was thrilled and then said something in relationship to what I do and that is why she is going to vote for trump. No kidding here, that happened. I told here everything I do, everything I am, every aspect of the Traveling Piano is the antithesis of trump and his cohorts. I said she cannot possibly like, enjoy, love, appreciate or respect what I do and trump at the same time, the two ways of living and thinking are one hundred percent contradictory to one another. Some people would say that statement is polarizing. Well, it is the truth in spirit be it polarizing or whatever else you want to call it. I suggested she stop listening to the lies of the news source she gets information from. I would bet it is fox news, so distressing. My heart sickens everytime I see someone gaslight with political anarchic, fascist, racism and hatred. The lies take hold most from indocrinated fear over immigrants and being attacked at the southern boarder. People have no clue the attack is on democracy from within the republican party. The world is turning towards authoritarianism and that will destroy humanity if AI doesn't get us all first.
| April 02, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is very astounding that I no longer walk the streets around Las Vegas without being recognized. Everytime I am out, I am acknowledged and/or someone approaches me. They tell me about our past experiences or ask questions like, "hey piano man you still living down on S Casino Ctr, good to see you are still around, are you still doing, etc..." Some people just say hi in knowing about me. I was driving down an alley today and no kidding... I heard as I was driving by a group of about eight people, "theres the piano man, etc..." so I drove around the block as I knew a couple in the group had just been married to ask if they would want to jump onto the truck. They we're too shy and they all were from Poland! I am sure 90% of people will not recognize me after Mo passes and it makes me wary anyway to be overly recognized. One wrong move or mistake concerning my reputation and I will be having eggs thrown at me on the truck! Never would I not want to be able to go outside and walk the streets with constant intrusive attention.
| April 01, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada
I woke up feeling ok and thought to take Mo out for some time in a park and then to go create some music just for myself somewhere. First, I went to the supermarket to buy up the rest of the easter candy 50% off price because the response yesterday was so strong. Jelly beans in small plastic packets will keep and everyone likes them. Afterwards, I began to feel a little tired, took Mo to a nearby park and while walking could barely keep my eyes open. Once home I flatlined, total crash without question the crash from yesterdays work which usually does not happen until two days after. A guy I know from around town texted me saying he had ten cases of water and did I want them. Of course, I can never turn down supplies for people on the streets so he came and dropped them off. Then I went back into my total crash mode in bed. Today is the start of the 220th month of this journey!