Since 1987 |
HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.
HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.
July 31, 2014
Cacapon State Park, West Virginia
Why is it so difficult to do nothing, just hang out and relax without guilt. It takes work! In any case, that was pretty much my day basically because I couldn't choose to do anything but nothing. Ha, with Mo, a lounge chair, some water, my piano and computer to record some music we drove to the Cacapon mountian overlook and hardly anyone was there for three hours. It was the first time I ever took a chair to this spot and to simply hangout in stillness and quiet, overlooking a huge part of the earth just Mo and me well, it was really swell! It was nice to interact with a few people too. For some reason I keep feeling like I should be motivated to do more than I am doing but cannot find much rational to get moving. Nothing seems better than something.
| July 30, 2014
Hancock, Maryland
Always, I'm thinking about moving on. I wonder if I could ever feel the sense of security again in having a home or apartment. Its been a long time since I've had that feeling. Always, I'm preparing to leave whereever I am no matter how long the stay. Its both good and bad because complacency can be a problem for me but then again... Anyway, I traveled to Maryland to get ear ointment for Mo to be prepared if he gets an ear infection. Floppy ears are prone to trouble. The cream is locked into prescription mode with vets to keep the price high and a total rip off. Life is full of compromises and becoming educated about how I will allow myself to be ripped off. Ha, that sounds cynical but its true in many ways. I also decided to have dinner with a friend in the area and stopped to create music along the Potomac River for awhile. The river was so clean I could clearly see the rocks on the river floor bottom six to eight feet down. We met a few locals as well as a teacher on a bike ride with her students from Louisville, Kentucky.
| July 29, 2014
Cacpone Overlook, West Virginia
It has been feeling like autumn the past few days. The skies have been a bit cloudy with cool days and at night the temperatures having been dipping into the fifties. I kinda like it, I've gotten used to the fall weather in West Virginia over the years. Seems I've been here for at least a few months almost every year. Maybe it has been every year. I'm sure summer will be back soon. I keep telling myself to turn off the window fans! Mo and I headed for the Cacpone mountain overlook. I did not expect to run into many people but there were people there constantly. More and more people have steadily been moving into the area over the years. It is interesting to see. I used to be almost always be the only one in this park and now every time I've been here this summer the place has had people, not lots but too many! Ha, I liked my privacy in creating music here... with someone finding us every once in a while. I did get in about fifteen musical minutes of just Mo, me and nature meditating together. Of course, I really enjoyed everyone we met. This journey would be very lonely if people didn't share their friendship with us.
| July 28, 2014
Talk about robust flavor(s)!!! I made a salad with cucumber, tomato, onion, basil and marinated it in vinegar, raw sugar and water for two days. Took the juice from that and boiled carrots with it. Fried up lots of chicken mushroom strips in oil, butter, water, garlic salt and hot hungarian paprika enough to seal in the flavor and juice. Meanwhile, I cooked wild long grain rain in what was left of the carrot/cucumber salad juice. Added a little water to the frying pan of chicken mushroom, topped everything with grated parmesan cheese, added the carrots and then another thin layer of grated parmesan cheese. Once all the water evaporated again in the frying pan, I mixed in the rice with a little more salt and a touch of cayenne pepper. Wow! A Meaty Textured Vegetarian Delight. I was thinking about not wasting the cucumber salad juice and it lead to all that one step at a time.

Then I began to get political again online and Mo looked at me as if to say, "enough with politics, lets go out on this beautiful day and create some love! We drove to the park and I could feel drops of rain on and off, did not want to deal with the uncertainty of it all so we just drove to a shelter in the park. Mo hung out a little on top with me under the shelter, then he ran around a little on his on and also slept inside the truck while I recorded music for this website. We stayed until it was almost dark. It was nice to be alone with the music.
| July 27, 2014
I just put up a third web picture gallery for this year. There are now almost five thousand Traveling Piano pictures from this year alone and well over 50,000 in the galleries to date! Makes me laugh that I'm so crazy with love and gratitude to be able to have produced so much. Its hot, humid, there's been rain everyday here in the woods of West Virginia where we are holding up but I'm still thinking with pictures, about Florida where we were earlier this year. If you want to check out the new gallery click on the PICTURE GALLERIES in the menu to the left and then when that page comes up, click on the top gallery and then... click on any of the thumbnails to upload the pictures into the larger versions.
| July 26, 2014
Today was about being distracted. Sill, I worked but also spent energy being a bit brutal. I had posted online that the incessant ways and hate of our present republican congressional representatives brings to mind the Westboro Baptist church. It does and I wanted to voice it because... I can, and I had better talk about things I care about like... respect, before I drop dead. I said, "lets weed out the destructive republicans who want to toss the game for everyone with incessant screaming and shouting to create "fear" and chaos. Well, I have several ultra conservative friends who took it personally. I told them I have nothing against conservative thinking and not all conservatives are hate mongers. I know many conservatives willing to work with difference and who do not want to destroy because of difference. It might be interesting for some to learn that I was born and bred a strict republican conservative, (my first 50 years of life) That is where I get my "bite" from. Now having lived many different sides and ways of thinking. I get to pick and choose my strengths from a lot of life experience. There are many people like me. Then my friends said that I should stick to music and let politics alone. Lol... explosion, I pounced. My friend pulled a "song" out of her repertoire that she had used before and I let it fly by... but not this time. I had stayed with her family after hurricane Katrina and she brought it up as they "took us in" a needy person with no place to stay when in fact I was heading back north and she phoned begging me to come back... four hours back! My staying was a partnership with both of us in the same boat to help people in need.

Then it was said, "the reason you have been able to travel for the last 9 years since I met you, is because of good hearted people who actually work for a living....like me." A nuclear bomb went off in my head. Also, it was interesting because just last night I was telling a friend how aware I am that when people give me money (which is very rare) it is money that they worked for and when they give that money to me no matter how little, it means a lot. But I digress... lol, I said, "You work and I don't? How can you say that, because work is all about money to you?
People don't "take me in" on this journey. They share, include, we become part of through common sensibility and I can say without reservation or ego because everything about me comes from gratitude... everyone gets back double if not personally then through the pay it forward way of life. Its work! And then I kept going... this journey I am on, ninety percent has been paid through my own personal money, the sale of my home, my retirement (from working very hard my entire life) and my belongings. No handouts to Danny Kean ever. Last year I asked for support for the 1st time ever. It was to be emotional support to help get a new truck engine. I am very defensive about how people perceive what I've been doing and how it happens! I'm super thankful that I've been able to set my life up in a way that I can say what I think and feel without having to answer to someone. Its been a trade off, money or the option to be truly myself. Then it was said again, "stay out of politics until you can at least talk intelligently." My reply, "I'm more intelligent than you but you wouldn't know that unless you were more intelligent than me!" Lol...

Just a little more because I enjoy being as transparent as possible. The last thing said, "While you play beautiful music on the piano, your attitude is equally ugly." My reply... "Yep, thats me you get all of it... I'm not out to paint a partial pretty picture of myself and my life. We all have good and bad sides. From the start of this journey I have always said... "it is what it is." I'm not afraid to show all sides of myself. I think it is helpful for people to see all of me not just the easy parts. Never mean to hurt, always mean to be as straight forward, truthful and as honest as possible with my thoughts and as emotionally strong as possible in communicating them." So after some name calling at me like hateful, bigot, hypocrite, I have an ugly attitude over exactly what I just wrote here above... my name calling consisted of self-absorbed and hurtful... again lol... we called it a night.
| July 25, 2014
West Virginia
Three really nice things happened today. First, my friend Sherrie connected with me at the local park. She wanted to listen to my music. I haven't seen her for over a year. Then on leaving I realized that people usually now, almost always thank me for my music or comment on it with a description often visual, of what they heard. For years I asked people not to clap or applaud because I'm simply having a conversation with them and nature. Something inside myself has changed. I think it has to do with ego, performing, entertaining... now, I'm more clear in the intent of pure conversation and its coming across spiritually through the music. Lastly, I came home to find an email from a twenty one year old guy who saw Piano Dog Boner and me in a parade some fifteen years ago (when I used to perform) and wanted me to know how happy he was to find now Mo and me online and still going. How cool is that! His gesture was mightily empowering.

| July 24, 2014
I woke up in the afternoon and what a beautiful day! I drove to the local park and created some music and then drove over to my friends Paul and Joanne's for dinner. Smoked chicken with homemade barbecue sauce, potato salad, my chicken mushroom that I found a few days ago, biscuits, tomatoes with basil and mozzarella cheese... it was yum, yum eat it all up! Our conversation went on for hours with each of us vying for time to be heard. There are not many people in my life that can sustain equally spirited conversation for periods of time with me. I usually dominate and really enjoy equality.
| July 23, 2014
Little Place in the Sticks of West Virginia
The heat index today... a hundred two degrees. The humidity about a hundred percent and the air... none. I don't know how I got through the day alive. So, no piano playing for sure. I sat with nine fans blowing around hot humid air in the woods.
| July 22, 2014
Winchester, Virginia
I've been feeling angry. I know the many reasons why and all the levels of consciousness about it, blah, blah, blah... anyway, I've been enjoying the energy it has been giving me to create music. My approach to creating music is more distinct, focused front and center. Online I've been expressing myself probably a little too much via twitter as my anger has been expressing itself in very opinionated ways. Ha, it is what it is. Tweeting is good practice for becoming clear using only a few words and more distinct, to the point with my communication as I am limited to I think its 142 letters per tweet. As soon as I was able to pull myself off the computer, Mo and I headed to Winchester, Virginia to meet up with my friend Barbara for dinner. I has some time and so we stopped in the local park for about an hour. We met some people from Mexico and a few families from the area. I always love connecting with Mexicans as I get to tell them how I drove throughout their country with the Traveling piano some years back.

At the restaurant we sat outside on a patio and the truck was parked right next to us. A bunch of ladies came out and were very curious. They were talking, wondering if the Traveling Piano might be something they could get to visit in their community. One of the woman caught my eye and as I smiled said I would visit if she got onto the piano to play (as in mess around a little) with some music. She did. They all live in an over fifty five community so I told them if they can get me through all the community bureaucracy involved and did not treat the visit as an activity but in fact as a visit... to give me a shout. We shall see what happens. Right before we left a fun couple jumped on for a few minutes. This having something in life to offer people without any agenda except for Fun, Friendship and Respect... it gives me purpose in life and I like it.
| July 21, 2014
Cacapon State Park, West Virginia
The plan was to walk until I was so tired I'd fall asleep as soon as I got back to where we are staying. That was working well until I came across my friend Paul. We sat for about a half hour while I ranted about politics. Paul's a good listener and we agree on most things. He thinks I'm interesting and so he lets me ramble on and on. Ha, I need friends like that. We finished and the walk began a again. Mo went over to bother a family having a picnic and when I reached the opposite side of the park from where they were, the mother walked across the lawn with her children to ask if Mo could have a hotdog. Hahaha I said no, thanks for asking but I'll take it! They has one more left and it was without the roll, perfect for me. Mo gets his healthier liver treats every night. Plus, he will bother every human being on earth incessantly and forever if I allow people to give him people food.

As a result of their extending themselves to us I told them I had a piano in the back of a pickup truck I wanted to share with them. They were up to doing that and so it began. After they left, since I had already started, (had no plan to create music today) I turned the walking that turned into talking into musical ranting for about an hour. The music was so intense and chaotic all the bugs and mosquitoes stayed away. Lol While driving out I looked to see along the road if there was a chicken mushroom in the spot where I found one last year. There was a small one so I got out of the car to get it and then under another spot there was a gigantic one. Surprise! They always create a surprise in the finds. It would have made for a beautiful photograph but I felt too lazy to deal with that. Found me lots o' chicken mushroom... yum, yum eat em' up fried in butter, garlic and pepper!
| July 20, 2014
West Virginia
Thank God Mo is with me. He motivates me to get off my butt and go for walks. A healthy companion is very important for me. I take the stewardship of having him in my life very seriously. The more happy he is, the more happiness he gives to me. We stopped at a small store on the way to the park for a walk. There are a few low, low rent rooms there. There's a couple of couples and a few single guys who live there. Old, down and out, alcoholics... and they all have always been very pleasant and friendly when they see me. The one guy who is 79 years old was with friends sitting outside the rooms and a few were very young. He waved and I knew he wanted me to come over but it was getting dark and I wanted to go for the walk but something nudged me towards his direction. Fun, friendship and respect was calling to me. I don't know how these people live in the rooms because they are so small and have no windows. Anyway, the two little kids, they could not have been more than six, probably five years old, the one boy must have had a serious accident because both legs had been amputated below the knees. That did not stop him at all. He made his way over to the truck and climbed in easier than most people including myself and right up onto the piano seat.

I am super affected by parents who empower their children without limitations and even better use what might be considered a limitation to teach a "go for it" attitude with life. It gives me a feeling of being emotionally relieved. The youngest boy got in and held the piano sustain pedal down on the floor for his brother so he could hear what the music sounded like that way. Then they both pounded the crap out of the keys! Ha, they didn't want to stop. Other people came outside to sit and listen while I created music. As I was about to leave, a guy came up and almost begged me to stay longer so he could cook some hotdogs for everyone. He didn't have to beg too much. It became a little community event. Someone went into the store to get ice cream bars for everyone. The hotdog guy got onto the piano to play and fell out of the truck when he was done because he was so drunk! There was a guy who introduced himself to me as shaky because he shakes all the time. It was all such a gift for me, the entire situation, the people... they made sure I had a special plate of food it wasn't much but everything put on it was placed with care and thought. So much love, it was awesome. Once I got to the park well, again there were people there and I was in total Traveling Piano mode so the fun continued. A little girl was beside herself with joy when she saw us arrive. She kept asking her mom if I was going to play the piano. Mo and I got our walk in after dark and it was just pure heaven.
| July 19, 2014
West Virginia
As it has been raining the whole day and so a perfect time to drive myself completely crazy backing up everything computerwise. I now have fourteen external hardrives, three full archives of my entire career all except for the big loss I had I think it was in 2006. That is when I lost just about everything from twenty years before (playing the piano on the back of a truck) Ever since, I have learned to... back up my material. So now my pictures are up to date, my backups are done... its time to get ready to... well, I don't know not sure but I am sure something bigger than ever is going to develop. Either that or its time to die.
| July 18, 2014
West Virginia
The sentence "Are you as bored as I am?" can be said backwards and still make sense. Ha! I'm going to look for someone who has a drone to help me make a video. For all the years I've played the piano on the back of a truck I have not been able to visualize a video that would work. With my music, a drone discovering from a distance and coming into the Traveling Piano "space" to inspect and explore from all angles... I can visualize this idea in my mind. It will convey the Traveling Piano experience perfectly. Now to find someone that will be interested without pay... do not want to think in terms of limitations.
| July 17, 2014
Winchester, Virginia
Mo needs dog food and the closest place to get some is in Winchester, Virginia. It was a good excuse for a drive and to create some music on a beautiful day. On the way there we passed some kids on a lawn having a yard sale. The spirit of the scene felt good as I drove by so I decided to turn around and go back for some fun. All the kids were shy but one was willing to try out the piano and it only takes one. The mom came out of the house, it was a really raw situation. She looked worn out. They all were definitely not used to strangers or strange situations. The second I began to create music the mom jolted and turned for the house. These people were suffering financially in a big way but the kids were full of joy and it felt good to share some with them. They did not even know of anyone with a computer or phone to get internet so I could send them a picture.

In Winchester we ended up at the local park and I began to improvise in a back parking lot. No one was around and I told myself that was ok. Someone would eventually arrive and as I thought that a couple came walking through the trees directly towards us. The interactions began. It was difficult to gently say over and over to people, "your times up, next person's turn." Lol... There was a lot of fun to be had and in getting to know people... I met more families struggling financially, I mean desperate even. With all the horror going on in the world I need to remind myself that all... has always been... the only thing different in todays world is that there is more transparency as a result of the internet. That is a good thing because the more the world gets in touch with reality, that can lead to more understanding which opens the doors for better change. The process may not look pretty but I am confident about possible end results. Love does exist in the world. There was proof of it on the Traveling Piano today!
| July 16, 2014
West Virginia
So this is what it looks like today, who knew (not me) I'd still be living at 59 years of age... and beyond my Wildest of Dreams. It would not be happening without supportive people in my life! I had to find supportive people, the right kind of people for me, by myself and for myself. It has been happening all through the grace of God as "I" understand God a power greater than myself. Through the "Grace" of God I am thankful. I began to use the tools for life that I found and began to trust were possible and available to use thirty two years ago today. Alcohol and drugs... they were old and not very unuseful tools back in the day and they are still not for me to use today. Maybe ok for you but definitely not for me! LOL
| July 15, 2014
Sometimes, I just can't help myself when I see all the feeds streaming by on my online social twitter account. I "dissed" a really disrespectful remark someone made with a sarcastic comment. They were so stupid with their reply I just had to fill my ego some more and give a clever response. Then they began to gather their army of like minder fellow tweeters to attack because they were too weak to go it alone. I was like... "RUN." Hahaha... Its a good thing social sites have block features.
| July 14, 2014
There was rain today, a good excuse to stay indoors and work to get some focus not an easy task for me at times. I have a huge backup with archives to make. I want three copies of everything, my writings, music, pictures, correspondence, creative ideas, etc... and I want to send one copy to a safe place, have a working copy and a backup for the working copies. It is a task that takes pacing so I don't drive myself crazy with confusion and tiring myself out to a point where my dyslexia takes over and I mess everything up. But I try to remember the bottom line is nothing is important except the present moment right now. Anything for the future, I really can't be sure what will be important and as for leaving a legacy... poo on that, legacies wear out so in the long run a legacy is worthless. All that matters is now. What I create for life, for myself and others today is all that matters.
| July 13, 2014
West Virginia
Its time to make a choice on whats next. What do I want most for my life? You may know that choices are most difficult for me to decide with or maybe its the decision making that is most difficult. The journeys pictures are all up to date and posted to this websites galleries. That was a huge feat to accomplish. Most are from Florida and it was the most pictures I've taken since in Alaska a few years ago. I feel very good about them all. There are too many not to share on a larger level with the world and I'm working in my brain to figure out how to do it best. It a collection of my life experience and I want to share it with as many people as possible, everywhere on earth... 4,750 pictures of nature and people playing the piano on the Traveling Piano to date from this year alone, lol!
| July 12, 2014
West Virginia
Tonight, there was a full moon and I felt it really strong. The energy from it began to affect me big time yesterday. It was cloudy today at sunset so I thought it would not be visible but on driving back to where I am staying from the park where I had just improvised some personal music for myself... out of the corner of my eye I saw the most unusual full red moon ever! I drove looking for a spot to take a picture and then found some private property, a field where I could drive onto and to the top of a ridge (with the truck lights off of course so I would not get caught) and found myself looking right over to mountains on the other side of a deep valley with the moon rising through clouds. It had turned orange by the time I got some pictures and everything around was so quiet except for natures sounds on a hot, muggy summer night.
| July 11, 2014
Cacapon Park, West Virginia
Mo and I went to the nearby park for some exercise, music and fellowship with people. About a year and a half ago I saw a rare Piebald Whitetail Doe in this park. Two nights ago while on a walk in the park I was telling someone we met about it and then last night... the deer walked right pass me.
| July 10, 2014
West Virginia
A feeling of withdrawal from all the attention I had yesterday was taking me down so I forced myself to drive to the park for a walk. It started to rain but I didn't want to leave and headed for a shelter where I laid on top of a picnic bench for about ten minutes where a few bored little kids wanted to interact real bad but I just didn't have the energy. Then the rain stopped. Mo and I began walking. We came across three young adults (who Mo attracted) all part of the same clan having a family reunion in the park. Their spirits just captured me with life and so I wanted to share the Traveling Piano with them. They obliged me with my request and as a result my spirit felt fulfilled for the day. Then once I got started I drove up to my usual lake area. After playing music for about ten minutes the rain began again so I covered up and drove out. I created music to some strong lightening strikes which brought back memories of creating music in the Badlands of South Dakota. Lol, this doesn't sound like me talking using the words I just wrote. Ha, it is what it is.
| July 09, 2014
Cacapone, West Virginia
Today is my birthday! I may have written this a couple weeks ago when I learned about it but still I am amazed that... all year I thought I was 59 turning 60 today. A few weeks ago I realized I was really 58 all year... turning 59 today!!! What a dork. Hahaha... I am feeling a little scared today. Fear sometimes rears its head when I feel excited, stimulated, alive, thankful, elated, good, part of and connected with people... everything life can offer. My feelings are streaming from all the Birthday posts online. Seems God, the Universe, my Angels, the Spirit of my Friends will not let me have today any other way but Happy! I got over five hundred emails today wishing me a happy birthday! I wanted to respond personally and individually to everyone so I worked frantically with love and gratitude right up until midnight. Each year the attention grows for me. For as long as I can be one on one with everyone who extends themselves to me, I will do so.

In the middle of the day for something a little different today Mo and I both Doggie Paddled a good half mile down the middle of the Cacapone River and back. The water temperature was perfect and I've wanted to do it for years. We were there several years ago and the place stayed in my minds eye. Fifty nine years old and stumbling around on rocks in a river playing like a little kid, that was great! We met people both in the water and out as well as through the center of town on the way back to where we are staying so I also got to share the Traveling Piano with people for my birthday. A mom was with her five kids, we got talking while in the water. I was wondering how people make ends meet in this small town where there are no jobs. She told me her husband drives two hours each way to work every day! They just moved into the area because the landlord at the last place made the family move with only thirty days notice and only after a few months. They found out he had it all secretly planned that, in wanting to rent the place for the winter only. The conventional "Leave it to Beaver" the 1950's television show way of life that was sold to everyone... its over. People now need to use their intuitive imaginations to survive. Poor = Be Resourceful. For the most part it was a relaxing friendly day. For my birthday dinner... long grain wild rice and fresh zucchini mixed with sauteed mushrooms, onions and... Hotdogs! Love em' hotdogs.
| July 08, 2014
West Virginia
Today was a lay low day, under the radar always "doing" but nothing to write about.
| July 07, 2014
Cacapone State Park, West Virginia
The temperature is in the nineties but with low humidity and fans going I can take it. In fact it feels good every once in a while. Its summer and supposed to get hot. I've been cutting up fruit and freezing it for smoothies for the last two days. Mo went for a swim in the local park lake. We both went for a walk to get some exercise. I played music in and underneath trees trying my best to release my soul into the world. Time was also spent processing the pictures from this last week. I really get a lot of work done with people and the Traveling Piano in short periods of time. Oh, how I wish my camera was not stolen on the first day. The pictures from Philadelphia's Kensington and Leigh areas were awesome and they will just have to live on in my head alone. Whenever it feels like I'm not doing enough work in life I want to remember that... feelings are not always facts. I've been accomplishing a lot!
| July 06, 2014
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
Mo and I slept until early afternoon and needed it. It feels good to be alone and in a private space even if its not secure back here at my friend Cindy's cabin. its amazing that I've been able to use this place through the years. Before we left Philadelphia I asked Cindy to tell me her life accomplishments so far. She has two degrees in Education, has raised three boys, is totally successful as a full time caretaker for her mother with Alzheimer's, has accomplished her goal to become a full time special education teacher and... she and her mother have made this journey possible. There is no way I would have made it so far without their support in sharing this cabin I've used on and off since 2006.
| July 05, 2014
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
With the truck packed, Karen one of my friend Pat's caregivers jumped (well really crawled because she has broken ribs) up onto the Traveling Piano for a photo moment. I had given her a ride home from work the last two days. On the way out of the city I stopped to purchase some fruit because for the last week I had been making fruit smoothies and as a result have had no craving for cake, candy, ice cream or any other junk. Fruit is cheaper here than in West Virginia. I got carried away and brought more than you could imagine. Trust me on that one. Ha, so anyway it was fun to spend the money and I just need to make sure I use it all... cases of bananas, apples, grapefruit, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, etc...

Once onto the turnpike I began to feel sad that no one in my hometown could accommodate us for a longer period of time. The fact is, there is someone who could but just not in my space of awareness to ask. Everything is happening with the right time line, I don't need to trust that... I know it. I've got almost sixty years of experience in knowing. Still, I was feeling a little alone and then my friend Jeff called from West Virginia where we are heading to say he is having a cookout with fireworks at his place and he wanted us to stop by. Coincidently, we got back just in time to unload the truck and head over to his place. Company for my return with fun, friendship and respect. it was perfect.
| July 04, 2014
Oreland, Pennsylvania
The day began as hectic as could be. Luckily I was ready for it. I had to move to the floor to sleep last night because Cindy's son Tyler came home and was using the bedroom with his girlfriend. I thought I heard them making coffee this morning and asked if it was eight o'clock yet. There was no answer. It was an angel waking me up because it was in fact nine o'clock. I had slept through my wakeup alarm and had exactly just enough time to get to the 4th of July parade in Oreland, Pennsylvania. I threw on my shirt, (inside out) jumped into the truck and began to race. It began to pour rain and then it stopped. Then I had to detour because of another parade in process. Then another detour happened because of a downed tree from storms last night but... I made it on time. My niece Heather and nephew Roger were there with grand nieces and nephews. The rain began again. A few umbrellas and the truck tarp and people to help along with pure determination wether the piano and speaker got destroyed or not... everything was ok. The second I began to perform it was like turning on a light switch. I impressed myself with my ability to do the work. The cloudy sky and temperature at sixty nine degrees, I give almost all credit to that. Had it been a hundred degrees in the humid hot sun as it was the last two days (and last year) it all would have been a different story.

My friend Sid's co-workers wife drove us. She was fantastic. Her calmness balanced my spastic energy. While passing by all the towns neighbors, the self confidence and pure intent I had... the being happy to see everyone created all the worth that was needed in every way. Afterwards, back at the 'ranch" at my friend Cindy's place, everyone is coming home so I need to leave. I did not have enough time here in Philadelphia. I really need another week but have no place to stay. Its my choice because I need an environment that suites my needs. No one I know can offer, and other people are not willing to share what I need. When I first began the journey it was easier to just sleep anywhere. I could adjust myself to all situations much better. Now I need to feel more welcomed with my needs. To be able to do my work and create worth for other people, a good nights sleep on my terms... what can I say? To write my blog and get organized in order to keep going I need quiet, private, uncluttered, fresh and comfortable surroundings... with wifi. The truck is old and precious so when possible I need a safe place to park it and when possible a cover or garage to help protect it from the environment. All in all I feel a lot of gratitude for my friend Sid who brought us here for the parade today (19th year) and Cindy who extends herself to make her home comfortable for us, always when she can.
| July 03, 2014
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
My friend Ed's mother died. I've known here for thirty some years. She was a totally sweet, accommodating and she was an inclusive person. It s providential that I happen to be here in Philadelphia to be able to go to the funeral and spend time with the family. Also, three deaths in the past two months is too much for me. I called my friend Sid about the Oreland 4th of July parade tomorrow. I asked him if he would rather me perform better or look better. I'm worried about the sun and heat. If I just wear my regular shorts and a tea shirt I'll be more comfortable and it will be cooler for me. Without question I'll perform better. He told me to be comfortable. Ha, to hell with a shirt and tie and dress pants!

At dusk there was a major storm and it brought cooler air! My mission statement is getting shorter, I just want to bring worth to people. When I do that I feel more worthy. It is easy as long as my intent is pure and true. Bring worth to people, I've been having so much fun with the little time i've been getting to spend. I had planned to go into center city, visit a different area every day but the length of time it takes to do everything and with the heat... good thing there are places to create music in close by. With safety issues, my camera being stolen, the truck parked on the street overnight etc... I'm reminded that awareness is all that is needed, no protection, avoidance, constant warnings to myself... being safe happens naturally with the correct attitude... everything is run by a power greater than myself. The camera... who knows. Here is something interesting. The night before it was stolen I was online looking for a new camera with no idea why.
| July 02, 2014
Linden Section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It is very hot but still towards night I went to the local hangout spot along the river and played with people until dark. We are in northeast Philly staying with my friend Cindy near Linden River park along the Delaware river.

| July 01, 2014
Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It ain't over until its over. Emotionally and physically exhausted, the day started out with a visit to my doctor. He delivered me from my mothers womb back in 1955. I was one of his first baby deliveries if not the very first. Now at eighty seven he's still working from the same office on the first floor of his house, taking cash, dealing with the computer only when he has to, one receptionist and he still makes house calls. Not once in his life has he ever made a wrong diagnosis for me. His picture is in this blog a few years back. I love him, Dr. Dibello knows everything about me. He was saying how his profession was once noble but now its all about pushing papers and the system working everyone. I asked him if he would not charge me for the visit because I am feeling insecure about the theft yesterday and what it will cost me. He said, "of course I won't charge you if you ask." There's a double lesson there. As a child I was taught never, never, never to ask for anything. I was told and taught what I needed. Support always exists for me but I must ask for it.

Without hesitation I went and purchased a new camera. I prayed for the strength to do it. (spend the money) The card alone for the camera at Best Buy was $199 which I thought was ridiculous. You can get them for $40. I asked the clerk to check the price and it was correct. He looked online for a cheaper price at another store so he would have to match it for me and the final cost was $80. They figure people do not know any better so they take advantage of them. Went online later and it was on sale on their website for $50.99 but will not honor that price in their stores, only online. They deserve to go out of business they certainly won't get anymore from me. Anyway... I wanted to go back to where my camera was stolen to play in that neighborhood and show no hard feelings but was too tired. Mo and I ended up down the street from where we are staying on the Delaware river in the Linden neighborhood of northeast Philly. We had fun until after dark, I mean really fun with people sharing their awe, love of nature, being outdoors, sharing life with each other sail boating, jet skiing, power boating, fishing, families were on walks single parents hanging out with their kids, couples making out, kids in their late teens and early twenties hanging out doing what they do... the temperature was in the nineties today but as dusk began the breeze well, it was just awesome! The Traveling Piano truck was filled with excitement, lack of fear, no musical hesitation with people simply sharing their personal beings. I very much enjoyed people describing their experience of hearing my music how it was completely one with and part of the entire environment. After I got back to where we are staying, immediately I began to get emails asking for pictures but am so tired I can't remember who is who already. I'll figure it out.